Monday, March 30, 2009

Great Book? No, Great God!

A family member passed a note along to me after having given her neighbor a copy of When God Breaks Your Heart.

It’s always humbling to hear how God is using the book to minister to hurting people. But in this particular case, God didn’t just humble me, He vividly reminded me what an incredible God we serve. I think the book is good and I tried to write it with all my skill and passion. However, the more reports I receive from people in pain who were helped by the book, the more I'm convinced that it's not the greatness of my book but the greatness of my God that is making the difference. 

Read these moving words from this mom who had just lost her young daughter to cancer: “I couldn't put the book down, I read it over the weekend - even though my tears. I'll tell you more about it when I see you, but for now - thank you! This book is incredibly beautiful, gut-wrenching, inspiring and raw all wrapped up in one. I loved it and wish there were more books that so perfectly speak to my heart.”

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Dangerous Prayer

Today is the second day of the Haven Today broadcast -- you can catch part two of the interview with Judy and me on KKLA 99.5 here in Los Angeles tonight at 9:30PM or go to  to download both day's programs.

If you have a minute though right now, our friend Charles posted a You Tube video which I invite you to watch . . . it's short, straight-to-the-point and depicts a very signficant moment in my life:

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Encourage a Broken Heart Today

If you have never asked this question, someday you will:  "Why is God letting this happen to me?" There is perhaps no greater challenge to our faith than personal suffering and yet it is by such suffering that Christians can find, in the end, that Jesus is with them.  

That’s the lead-in from my friend Charles Morris of Haven Today as he shares with listeners about our upcoming program. Next Monday and Tuesday (March 23rd and 24th), Haven Today will broadcast the program Judy and I recorded last month. Go to: to find a radio station in your area or to download the Podcast.   

If someone in your life is struggling with a “why” situation right now, I encourage you to invite them to visit my Blog, listen to Haven Today and/or to give them a copy of my book, When God Breaks Your Heart.  But most of all, pray for them (right now!) and let them know you did!  You may be the person in their life whom God uses to remind them that they are not alone--the person to remind them that Jesus is near to the broken-hearted.

Monday, March 9, 2009

The Star of "When God Breaks Your Heart"

When the pastor who married us thirty-eight years ago read When God Breaks Your Heart, he called me with this summary insight: Ed, this is a very moving book. But the star of the book isn't you; it's Judy!

I couldn't agree more. She's not only the star of the book; she's the star of my life.

And being the star of my life isn't easy for a girl from Bakersfield who hates to fly and feels uncomfortable in front of big crowds. Our life together has forced her out of her comfort zone many times--trips to missions stations in the bush of Africa, the jungle of Thailand, the streets of Hanoi, Singapore, Nairobi, and Amsterdam, or spontaneous invitations to "join Ed" up front at a conference or big event.

Recently though, I asked her to do something we'd never done together--be interviewed for national radio! What a privilege to sit next to her in the recording studio of our good friends at Ambassador Advertising where we were interviewed by Charles Morris, speaker of "Haven Today" (and also a good friend to Judy and I). Even I have to admit to being a little's not always easy sharing vulnerably about your life knowing that thousands will end up listening...yet we're so thankful for the opportunity to share the message of our book, When God Breaks Your Heart. We're passionately committed to seeing God use it to reach broken hearts, and looking forward to hearing how He will use the radio broadcast to comfort the hurting--especially during these difficult financial days.

Well, I'm happy to admit that the star of my book was the star of the program! (Check back for an update on when the interview will air!)

Here's a picture of the four of us, me, Judy, our friend at Ambassador, Lee Ann Jackson, and of course, Charles Morris.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Still Anonymous

This blog is to all the "anonymous" readers of When God Breaks Your Heart. Please know that all of your comments are forwarded to my personal email account and I do pray for you. I try to filter the remarks on this blog so your pain isn't becoming a curiosity piece for casual readers. But this blog is the only way I can communicate back to you, to assure you of our prayers, and to let you know someone is listening.

My primary lesson for you is this: God isn't as distant as you think. As you know from reading the book, I believe Jesus' is screaming against your pain as tears flow down His holy face.

Trying to be as much a part of your life as a blog allows,


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Not Anonymous!

A very real dynamic in writing a book on suffering is that my heart hurts for so many who write me about their hopeless situations and deep pain. One recent comment is signed simply, Anonymous:

"I've read your book. I believe in Jesus. I've been depressed all my life. Sometimes I'm better, but usually I'm not. Right now, I'm not okay. I keep thinking about you saying that thinking about your grandson kept you from taking your life. But that's not making a difference for me. Nothing's making a difference for me. Not my family. Not my friends. Not God. I don't know how to pray anymore. I just don't care anymore. I'm old and tired and broken an unable to do or be anything for God. I've been fighting a long time and I'm weary. But perhaps there's still a thin strand of hope somewhere."

My reply is a message to every hopeless heart who feels "anonymous." Anonymous is an adjective that means "without any name acknowledged, of unknown name, lacking individuality, unique character, or distinction." When we claim it as a noun, even our title, it screams loneliness and despair.

Here's what I want to say to this dear, suffering one who feels so anonymous: You may be anonymous to me and feel anonymous to everyone on earth, but you are not anonymous to God. You are not lacking individuality in His eyes; you're as special as you can be. You are not without unique character to Him; He broke the mold after He made you--He only wants one you. He distinguishes you from all others and never misses an event in your life or a thought in your mind. He loves you so much that He sent His Son to die in your place.

Are you feeling "Anonymous" today? Draw near to the God who loves you and tell Him, "Ed says I'm special. Please help me believe that today."

God bless you, Mr. or Mrs. Anonymous. And may His grace and mercy touch your life in ways that will remind you of His love and compassion for brokenhearted people just like you.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day and the Bible

If my audience were elitist media types and political liberals, I would tell them honestly that there are some things about them that bother me.
  • It bothers me that they openly begrudged George W. Bush being in the White House and, in my opinion, treated him unfairly. But they just can't seem to gush over Barack Obama enough. I wonder if the press will hold him accountable for questionable decisions and failed policies.
  • It bothers me that they view Obama's commendable commitment to the poor and powerless as comprehensive. But they just can't admit that the most powerless beings in America--babies in the womb--are being slaughtered in the name of personal freedom on a scale the world hasn't seen since the holocaust.
  • It bothers me, as the father of a soldier who fought and lost friends in Iraq, that so many of our new president's powerful friends are expecting him to just pull out of this war.
  • It bothers me that this admittedly great man and seemingly sincere leader is viewed as the savior of America. I already have one, a Savior that is. His name is Jesus.
But I doubt if Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Streisand, or Chris Matthews are reading this blog.

Since my readers are mostly conservative Christians who probably didn't vote for Barack Obama, I have to say to my friends that there are some things about us that bother me.
  • It bothers me that so many of us seem to have conveniently forgotten that Romans 13:1 says clearly that every Christian should be subject to governing authorities because "the authorities that exist are appointed by God." Once he takes the oath, Barack Obama is our President and we are commanded by God to submit to him. 1 Timothy 2:1-4 tells us plainly that we should pray for President Obams.
  • It bothers me that so many of us are wringing our hands and giving up on America. Our responsibility to be salt and light has nothing to do with who's in office (Matthew 5:13-16).
  • It bothers me that so many of us can't see how an African American President brings hope to cultures whose collective memories always felt left out of the American dream.
It's time for us to be good sports, good Americans, and, most importantly, good Christians. Our hope isn't in America; it's in Jesus Christ. Our Kingdom isn't crumbling all around us; it's waiting to be established. And our King isn't deposed; He's still on the throne and He's coming for us...soon, and very soon.

I determine before God to support President Obama, to pray for him, and to keep my negative mouth shut. I also determine before God to stand for righteousness (including marriage and family!), for the rights of the powerless (including the unborn!), and to throw myself into building the only hope for America--the church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

"You say rightly that I am a king. For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice." --Jesus Christ before Pilate, John 18:37