Monday, March 30, 2009

Great Book? No, Great God!

A family member passed a note along to me after having given her neighbor a copy of When God Breaks Your Heart.

It’s always humbling to hear how God is using the book to minister to hurting people. But in this particular case, God didn’t just humble me, He vividly reminded me what an incredible God we serve. I think the book is good and I tried to write it with all my skill and passion. However, the more reports I receive from people in pain who were helped by the book, the more I'm convinced that it's not the greatness of my book but the greatness of my God that is making the difference. 

Read these moving words from this mom who had just lost her young daughter to cancer: “I couldn't put the book down, I read it over the weekend - even though my tears. I'll tell you more about it when I see you, but for now - thank you! This book is incredibly beautiful, gut-wrenching, inspiring and raw all wrapped up in one. I loved it and wish there were more books that so perfectly speak to my heart.”

1 comment:

SPKarenO said...

You're right Ed. Although you writing is fantastic our God is Greater!!